Private Swap

Private Swap allows you to securely swap one or more NFTs with another holder.

How it works:

  • You specify a wallet and choose NFTs you want to get

  • You choose NFTs you want to swap

  • You confirm the exchange

  • The second participant must confirm the exchange and pay the gas for the transfer. The exchange is complete!

Both OG-Posers and Customized Posers are available in Private Swap.

Manually selected collections are available for Private Swap.

Creating an Swap Request

Enter the wallet address you want to make a swap with. ENS-names work as well. Select a collection and tokens you want to receive and click Next.

In Private Swap you can swap any amount of tokens for any amount:

1 for 1, 3 for 1, 2 for 3, etc.

Next, select the tokens from your wallet that you want to give in return. Click Proceed and confirm the transaction in the wallet.

If you are using the Private Swap for the first time, you must first give permission to interact with your tokens. Gas fees are required once per collection.

Since OG-Posers and Customized Posers are 2 different contracts, you need to give permission for each of these contracts to use the Private Swap.

To confirm the exchange, sign the transaction in your wallet. Signing does not require any special permission or spending gas. That's it, the swap request is created!

After the request is confirmed by the other party, the swap will be completed.

Overview of incoming and outgoing requests

You can view a list of sent and received requests through the notification bell at the top of the screen.

To accept the swap, click Accept and confirm the transaction in your wallet. Gas fee is required.

To decline an incoming request, press Reject. No gas fee is required.

To cancel a submitted swap request, select it in the list and click Cancel swap. Gas fee is required.

All swap requests are active for one week. If the other party does not confirm the request during this time, the request will be automatically deleted.

To be extra secure, review the information in this section.

Last updated